Source code for reproman.cmdline.helpers

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#   See COPYING file distributed along with the reproman package for the
#   copyright and license terms.
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__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import argparse
import os
import re
import sys
import gzip
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

from ..cmd import Runner
from ..log import is_interactive
from ..utils import getpwd
from ..version import __version__
from ..dochelpers import exc_str

from logging import getLogger
lgr = getLogger('reproman.cmdline')

[docs]class HelpAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if is_interactive() and option_string == '--help': # lets use the manpage on mature systems ... try: import subprocess # get the reproman manpage to use manfile = os.environ.get('MANPATH', '/usr/share/man') \ + '/man1/{0}.1.gz'.format(parser.prog.replace(' ', '-')) # extract version field from the manpage if not os.path.exists(manfile): raise IOError("manfile is not found") with as f: man_th = [line for line in f if line.startswith(".TH")][0] man_version = man_th.split(' ')[5].strip(" '\"\t\n") # don't show manpage if man_version not equal to current reproman_version if __version__ != man_version: raise ValueError subprocess.check_call( 'man %s 2> /dev/null' % manfile, shell=True) sys.exit(0) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, IOError, OSError, IndexError, ValueError) as e: lgr.debug("Did not use manpage since %s", exc_str(e)) if option_string == '-h': helpstr = "%s\n%s" % ( parser.format_usage(), "Use '--help' to get more comprehensive information.") else: helpstr = parser.format_help() # better for help2man # for main command -- should be different sections. And since we are in # heavy output messaging mode... if "commands for manipulating computation environments" in helpstr.lower(): opt_args_str = '*Global options*' pos_args_str = '*Commands*' # tune up usage -- default one is way too heavy helpstr = re.sub('^[uU]sage: .*?\n\s*\n', 'Usage: reproman [global-opts] command [command-opts]\n\n', helpstr, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) # and altogether remove sections with long list of commands helpstr = re.sub(r'positional arguments:\s*\n\s*{.*}\n', '', helpstr) else: opt_args_str = "*Options*" pos_args_str = "*Arguments*" helpstr = re.sub(r'optional arguments:', opt_args_str, helpstr) helpstr = re.sub(r'positional arguments:', pos_args_str, helpstr) # convert all headings to have the first character uppercase headpat = re.compile(r'^([a-z])(.*):$', re.MULTILINE) helpstr = re.subn( headpat, lambda match: r'{0}{1}:'.format(,, helpstr)[0] # usage is on the same line helpstr = re.sub(r'^usage:', 'Usage:', helpstr) print(helpstr) sys.exit(0)
[docs]class LogLevelAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): from ..log import LoggerHelper LoggerHelper().set_level(level=values)
[docs]class PBSAction(argparse.Action): """Action to schedule actual command execution via PBS (e.g. Condor)""" def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): pbs = values[0] import pdb; pdb.set_trace() i = 1
[docs]def parser_add_common_args(parser, pos=None, opt=None, **kwargs): from . import common_args for i, args in enumerate((pos, opt)): if args is None: continue for arg in args: arg_tmpl = getattr(common_args, arg) arg_kwargs = arg_tmpl[2].copy() arg_kwargs.update(kwargs) if i: parser.add_argument(*arg_tmpl[i], **arg_kwargs) else: parser.add_argument(arg_tmpl[i], **arg_kwargs)
[docs]def parser_add_common_opt(parser, opt, names=None, **kwargs): from . import common_args opt_tmpl = getattr(common_args, opt) opt_kwargs = opt_tmpl[2].copy() opt_kwargs.update(kwargs) if names is None: parser.add_argument(*opt_tmpl[1], **opt_kwargs) else: parser.add_argument(*names, **opt_kwargs)
[docs]def strip_arg_from_argv(args, value, opt_names): """Strip an originally listed option (with its value) from the list cmdline args """ # Yarik doesn't know better args = args or sys.argv # remove present pbs-runner option args_clean = [] skip = 0 for i, arg in enumerate(args): if skip: # we skip only one as instructed skip -= 1 continue if not (arg in opt_names and i < len(args)-1 and args[i + 1] == value): args_clean.append(arg) else: # we need to skip this one and next one skip = 1 return args_clean
[docs]def run_via_pbs(args, pbs): assert(pbs in ('condor',)) # for now # TODO: RF to support multiple backends, parameters, etc, for now -- just condor, no options f = NamedTemporaryFile('w', prefix='reproman-%s-' % pbs, suffix='.submit', delete=False) try: pwd = getpwd() logs ='.submit', '.log') exe = args[0] # TODO: we might need better way to join them, escaping spaces etc. There must be a stock helper #exe_args = ' '.join(map(repr, args[1:])) if len(args) > 1 else '' exe_args = ' '.join(args[1:]) if len(args) > 1 else '' f.write("""\ Executable = %(exe)s Initialdir = %(pwd)s Output = %(logs)s Error = %(logs)s getenv = True arguments = %(exe_args)s queue """ % locals()) f.close() Runner().run(['condor_submit',])"Scheduled execution via %s. Logs will be stored under %s" % (pbs, logs)) finally: os.unlink(
[docs]class RegexpType(object): """Factory for creating regular expression types for argparse DEPRECATED AFAIK -- now things are in the config file, but we might provide a mode where we operate solely from cmdline """ def __call__(self, string): if string: return re.compile(string) else: return None
# TODO: useful also outside of cmdline, move to support/ from os import curdir
[docs]def get_repo_instance(path=curdir, class_=None): """Returns an instance of appropriate reproman repository for path. Check whether a certain path is inside a known type of repository and returns an instance representing it. May also check for a certain type instead of detecting the type of repository. Parameters ---------- path: str path to check; default: current working directory class_: class if given, check whether path is inside a repository, that can be represented as an instance of the passed class. Raises ------ RuntimeError, in case cwd is not inside a known repository. """ from os.path import join as opj, ismount, exists, abspath, expanduser, \ expandvars, normpath, isabs from git.exc import InvalidGitRepositoryError from ..utils import expandpath from import GitRepo from import AnnexRepo dir_ = expandpath(path) abspath_ = path if isabs(path) else dir_ if class_ is not None: if class_ == AnnexRepo: type_ = "annex" elif class_ == GitRepo: type_ = "git" else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown class %s." % str(class_)) while not ismount(dir_): # TODO: always correct termination? if exists(opj(dir_, '.git')): # found git dir if class_ is None: # detect repo type: try: return AnnexRepo(dir_, create=False) except RuntimeError as e: pass try: return GitRepo(dir_, create=False) except InvalidGitRepositoryError as e: raise RuntimeError("No reproman repository found in %s" % abspath_) else: try: return class_(dir_, create=False) except (RuntimeError, InvalidGitRepositoryError) as e: raise RuntimeError("No %s repository found in %s." % (type_, abspath_)) else: dir_ = normpath(opj(dir_, "..")) if class_ is not None: raise RuntimeError("No %s repository found in %s" % (type_, abspath_)) else: raise RuntimeError("No reproman repository found in %s" % abspath_)
from appdirs import AppDirs from os.path import join as opj dirs = AppDirs("reproman", "")