

reproman-retrace [--version] [-h]
               [-l {critical,error,warning,info,debug,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}]
               [--spec SPEC] [-o output_file] [-r RESOURCE]
               [--resref-type TYPE]
               [PATH [PATH ...]]


Gather detailed package information from paths or a ReproZip trace file.


$ reproman retrace –spec reprozip_run.yml > reproman_config.yml



path(s) to be traced. If spec is provided, would trace them after tracing the spec. Constraints: value must be a string [Default: None]


show the program’s version and license information and exit

-h, –help, –help-np

show this help message and exit. –help-np forcefully disables the use of a pager for displaying the help message

-l {critical,error,warning,info,debug,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, –log-level {critical,error,warning,info,debug,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}

level of verbosity. Integers provide even more debugging information

–spec SPEC

ReproZip YML file to be analyzed. Constraints: value must be a string [Default: None]

-o output_file, –output-file output_file

Output file. If not specified - printed to stdout. Constraints: value must be a string [Default: None]


Name or ID of the resource to operate on. To see available resources, run ‘reproman ls’. Constraints: value must be a string [Default: None]

–resref-type TYPE

A resource can be referenced by its name or ID. In the unlikely case that a name collides with an ID, explicitly specify ‘name’ or ‘id’ to disambiguate. Constraints: value must be one of (‘auto’, ‘name’, ‘id’) [Default: ‘auto’]


reproman is developed by The ReproMan Team and Contributors <>.