Source code for reproman.interface.stop

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#   See COPYING file distributed along with the reproman package for the
#   copyright and license terms.
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"""Helper utility to delete an environment

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import re

from .base import Interface
import reproman.interface.base # Needed for test patching
from .common_opts import resref_arg
from .common_opts import resref_type_opt
from import Parameter
from import EnsureStr
from ..resource import get_manager

from logging import getLogger
lgr = getLogger('reproman.api.stop')

class Stop(Interface):
    """Stop a computation environment


      $ reproman stop my-resource


    _params_ = dict(
        # XXX reenable when we support working with multiple instances at once
        # resource_type=Parameter(
        #     args=("-t", "--resource-type"),
        #     doc="""Resource type to work on""",
        #     constraints=EnsureStr(),
        # ),

    def __call__(resref, resref_type="auto"):
        manager = get_manager()
        resource = manager.get_resource(resref, resref_type)